Why You Might Consider Alternatives to Full Dentures
Did you know that your mouth will go through a transition of sorts if you were to lose all your natural teeth? The underlying bone will not have to support the original teeth anymore and over time, it's very shape will begin to change. This needs to be taken into account when you're having full replacement dentures, as adjustments will need to be made as time goes by. However, there may be alternatives in your case that you hadn't considered.
The Traditional Approach
In years gone by, dentists would routinely recommend that people who had lost their natural teeth be fitted with complete dentures. This is still a tried and tested option and the dental facility has all the necessary knowledge and equipment to be able to make bone-related adjustments as needed. Often, lower dentures in particular will become loose and a readjustment will be called for. This bottom set of dentures encounters the most wear and tear as it comes into contact with your tongue more than the top set, during everyday usage.
Alternatives to Dentures
There are other choices available, should you prefer not to have the full set of dentures. For example, you could opt to have a set of dental implants installed instead, which could provide support for other teeth which may be in relatively good condition. However, you may opt for a third option, which is to consider an overdenture, instead.
What Is Involved?
The overdenture is a compromise between the two previous options, can be easier to cope with and is generally a very cost-effective solution. The dentist will identify a couple of strategically "strong" positions within the mouth, where they can introduce a couple of implants which will subsequently form the basis for a bridge. The bridge will link to the other teeth that surround the implant, creating a very strong and stable base, which is generally very comfortable for the patient.
Determining Eligibility
To see if you are eligible, you will have to talk with your dentist to discuss your lifestyle and come up with an ideal solution in your case. How many teeth are still functional in relation to those which you've already had removed, or will need to come out in the near future? The dentist has some sophisticated equipment in their modern office that will be able to take x-rays and see how strong the underlying bone in your mouth actually is. This is important when it comes to the location for the key dental implants in particular, as this will determine how successful the overdenture option may be for you.
Weighing up Your Options
If you're concerned that you could take a long time to get used to a complete set of new dentures, or may not have the money to invest in dental implants all round, then the overdenture is likely to be your best course of action. Pick up the phone and have an initial conversation with the dentist, to set the ball in motion.