Dan's Dentistry Blog

Braced for Dislodged Brackets: Why Brace Brackets Sometimes Dislodge from Teeth

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One of the most common issues faced by patients with braces is dislodged brackets. When a bracket dislodges from a tooth, patients can be left feeling confused and frustrated. The situation is made worse if the same bracket continually dislodges even after being replaced multiple times. Fortunately, this doesn’t affect the efficiency of the affected braces and is usually a matter of reattaching the bracket. If the problem persists however, you and your dentist should work out what is causing the problem so you don’t have to keep going back for repairs. Read More»

What You Should Know Before Going with Same-Day Dentures

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There are several aspects and considerations of dentures when you finally make the choice to move forward with the procedure. You are asked to choose the shade of the teeth, material that is used, and various other options. This gives you a more personalized option than your traditional dentures normally would. You may be wondering how much of this process you will lose if you go with same day dentures, and what the benefits will be for the option. Read More»

5 Myths About False Teeth

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If your teeth are badly decayed, your dentist may have said you need to have them removed and get dentures instead. Many people worry that life with false teeth will be a drag, but this doesn’t have to be the case. Here are five common myths about false teeth that need to be busted. 1. Only Old People Have False Teeth People of all ages lose teeth. Perhaps a road traffic accident or incident on the sports field knocked out some of your teeth, leaving you needing partial dentures. Read More»

Two Tips To Help Successfully Change Orthodontists When Moving Country

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When you move to a new country, there are a lot of things to consider, but one that often gets overlooked is how to successfully transfer your medical and dental needs from one country to another. As a person who is about to emigrate to Australia, the orthodontic needs of your teenager must be considered in advance. You will not have any trouble finding an excellent orthodontist when you arrive in Australia, but how do you make sure there is no interruption to the quality of treatment your child is getting? Read More»

Attending to the Need to Chew: The Negative Effects of Obsessive Chewing

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The urge to chew on things is a problem shared by many. However, while many parents and dog owners work together to find answers, adult chewers often struggle in silence, wondering why they can’t stop chewing on things. If this is you, then you may be one of approximately 500,000 Australians that suffer from OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). The obsessive behaviours of this group vary, but one of the known rituals is the overwhelming desire to chew on things. Read More»